How do I change user details?

Update your account name and email address easily in the Leadinfo portal.

Did your e-mail address change? Did you not spell the name or surname correctly from one of your users? You can change this in Leadinfo with a few clicks! In this article, we explain where you can edit the user information and what can be edited. 


Where do I find the user details? 

You can change the user details from yourself or your colleagues in the settings. Below you find the steps to edit your own information and the steps to implement this for others.  

Change your own user details 

Step 1: Navigate to the settings of the portal and select "My profile" at the left bar. 

Step 2: At the top of your profile, you find the button to edit your user information. 

Change the details of your colleagues

Step 1
: Navigate to the settings of the portal and select "users" at the left bar. 

Step 2: In the overview of your users, hoover over the user from who you want to adjust the information. 

Step 3: A new menu appears. Select "Edit" in the menu. 

What can I edit?

When you select the user, a pop-up appears in which you can update the information. Here you can change the first name, last name or email address. When you adjust the mail address, the password will stay the same.