How do I remove my Microsoft Teams integration?

To remove the Microsoft Teams integration from Leadinfo, you need to disconnect the integration through Microsoft Teams itself. It is not possible to remove the integration from Leadinfo, as it was set up there and not in the Leadinfo portal. Follow the steps below to remove the integration:

Step 1: Open Microsoft Teams
Log in to your Microsoft Teams environment.

Step 2: Go to Teams

Navigate to the "Teams" section and select the team from which you want to remove the Leadinfo integration.

Step 3: Manage the Team

Click on 'More options' (the three dots) next to the team name, and then select 'Manage team'.

Step 4: Remove the Leadinfo App

Search for "Leadinfo" in the list. Then, click on 'Remove' (the trash bin or delete icon) next to the app. Confirm your choice to remove the app.


By following these steps, the Leadinfo integration will be removed from the selected team in Microsoft Teams.