Leadbot personalization [F_Greeting]

This is the greeting displayed in the Leadbot on the website. Using your Leadbot template, you can set it up so that the website visitor is approached personally through one of our personalization options.

It is possible to send someone's first name using a parameter in the URL. This can be done, for example, if you personally refer someone to your website, or from an email campaign.

If you look at the template in the Leadbot in the account, you will see the following:


The meaning of [F_GREETING]: This is the greeting that appears in the form on the website. Based on the time of day, it automatically changes from 'good morning' to 'good afternoon' and 'good evening.'

The meaning of [F_NAME]: This also relates to the greeting on the website. You can use someone's first name here.

In addition, you can also customize the personalization based on other characteristics, such as the visitor's specific company. When a visitor to your website is identified as belonging to a specific company, you can address this person using company-specific personalization. This provides an even more personal and relevant experience for the visitor, increasing the chances of interaction and conversion.