Show URL parameters in page views

Easily show URL parameters in your page views.

These URL parameters are additional information added to the end of a URL and reveal a lot about how people interact with your site. They help you track which campaigns are driving traffic, understand visitor behavior, and collect valuable data for your marketing strategies.

URL parameters can play a important role in collecting marketing data and tracking website behavior. Displaying these parameters provides valuable insights, such as:

  • Campaign Tracking: By adding URL parameters to links in emails or campaigns, you can track which campaign brought visitors to your website and which campaigns are the most effective.
  • Analytics and Reporting: URL parameters are useful for tools like Google Analytics to analyze visitor behavior.

Within Leadinfo, URL parameters help identify where your visitors are coming from and what they are interested in. When you click through to the page views in the company profiles within Leadinfo, you will see a detailed URL. This URL could originate from, for example, a Google Ads campaign or an email campaign.



How to set up URL parameters in Leadinfo

You can easily enable the display of URL parameters in the settings.

Step 1: Go to your Leadinfo settings.

Step 2:
Click on "my profile". 


Step 3: Adjust the URL parameter settings at the bottom.


When a visitor comes to your website, the URL parameters are decisive. Based on the provided URL parameter, the origin of the visit is determined. This origin will not be overwritten and will therefore be the determining factor in the page views. This means that if a website visitor, for instance, comes from LinkedIn, but the UTM parameter is set to ''mail'', the origin of this visit will be considered email, since this medium is specified in the parameters.

URL parameters are extremely useful for gathering specific data and understanding what website visitors are doing. These parameters are valuable for maximizing your lead generation efforts. By using URL parameters, you gain insight into which companies visit your website, how they got there, and what their interests are. This allows you to improve your sales approach and make your marketing campaigns even more effective.