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Ensuring email delivery success: safeguarding your sending domain from being blocked

From SPF and DKIM authentication to compliance with standards and regulations, here's a comprehensive guide on safeguarding your email-sending domain.

In the dynamic landscape of email communication, it's crucial to ensure that your emails not only reach your intended recipients but also steer clear of potential issues that could threaten the reputation of your sending domain. Here's what you should take into account:

Set up SPF and DKIM authentication

Implementing SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) authentication is fundamental. These protocols verify the authenticity of your emails and help prevent malicious actors from using your domain for unauthorized purposes.

Valid forward and reverse DNS records (PTR records)

Ensure that your sending domains or IPs have valid forward and reverse DNS records, also known as PTR records. This step not only adds an extra layer of authentication but also contributes to the overall credibility of your email infrastructure.

Monitor spam rates in Postmaster Tools

Keep a close eye on the spam rates reported in Postmaster Tools, aiming to maintain them below 0.3%. Regular monitoring allows you to identify and rectify issues promptly, ensuring that your emails stay within acceptable thresholds.

Format messages according to RFC 5322

Adhering to the Internet message format standard (RFC 5322) ensures that your emails are structured correctly, minimising their chances of being flagged as suspicious or spam.

Avoid impersonating Gmail 'From:' headers

With Gmail enforcing a DMARC quarantine policy, avoid impersonating Gmail 'From:' headers to safeguard your email delivery. Non-compliance may lead to your emails being impacted or flagged as potential threats.

Implement ARC headers for forwarded emails

If you regularly forward emails, incorporate ARC (Authenticated Received Chain) headers to indicate forwarding. Additionally, mailing list senders should include a 'List-ID:' header to specify the mailing list, enhancing transparency in message routing.

Set up DMARC authentication

Deploy DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) authentication for your sending domain. Even if the enforcement policy is set to 'none,' having DMARC in place enhances email security and authenticity.

Alignment in 'From:' header for direct mail

Ensure that the domain in the sender's 'From:' header aligns with either the SPF or DKIM domain for direct mail. This alignment is crucial for passing DMARC checks and maintaining the integrity of your emails.

One-click unsubscribe and clearly visible links

For marketing and subscribed messages, provide one-click unsubscribe options and include clearly visible unsubscribe links in the message body. This not only complies with regulations but also enhances the user experience.


Ensuring the smooth delivery of your emails involves a combination of technical measures, compliance with standards, and proactive monitoring. By following these guidelines, you can fortify your sending domain against potential blocks and privacy infringements, ensuring that your messages reach their intended recipients effectively.