Google Analytics 4 - Events

In this article you will find more information about what options are available and what is useful to use in which situation.

Various conversion options in Google Analytics 4

The Leadinfo - Tracking events sheet contains all Leadinfo events for GA4. Below more information about the difference between the events:

1. Leadinfo conversion event (basic)

The easiest way to set up your conversions in Google Analytics 4 is to put all Leadinfo conversions together. We have a basic conversion event called 'leadinfo_conversion'. All conversions made within Leadinfo will be forwarded to Google Analytics 4 as event name: 'leadinfo_conversion'. You can set this event as a conversion in GA4. You can then also use this conversion for your Google Ads.

2. Advanced conversion events

It is also possible to set different conversions in Google Analytics 4. E.g. when you want to distinguish between a question via WhatsApp or a quote request in the conversions. View all Leadinfo - Tracking events here. A detailed event is sent per conversion, which indicates what type of conversion it is. E.g. 'leadinfo_whatsapp_sent' or 'leadinfo_quote_requested'.

The events below are only useful for experienced marketers

3. Custom conversion events

In your Leadinfo account it is possible to name custom conversion events in a form or other widget. This is useful, for example, when you want to distinguish between Quotation request X and Quotation request Y.

Please note: when you set a custom conversion event, the advanced conversion event will be overwritten.

👉 How can you name custom conversion events in Leadinfo?

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4. Interaction events

Before the conversion takes place, it is possible to gain insight into the interaction of the website visitor with Leadinfo. This allows you, for example, to see which buttons are clicked the most. Or where in the flow most visitors drop out. Based on this information, you can continuously optimize the flows in the Leadbot to get the most out of it. You can also process this information in a Google Data Studio report.