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Leadbot activation by a button on the website
It is possible to activate a widget variant using the widget key in, for example, a button on the website. For example, you can show the 'request quote' button on your website. When someone presses this button, the quote request form activates and opens automatically.
Other examples of how you can use this are:
- Subscribe to the newsletter
- Download whitepaper
- Please contact us
- Make an appointment
How can you set this up?
To activate a widget via a URL:
- Add this after your website URL: ?widget=Place the widget key here
- Example: https://leadinfo.com/?widget=Place the widget key here
To open a widget from the URL:
- First add the above
- And also add the following: &open=1
- Example: https://leadinfo.com/?widget=Place the widget key here&open=1
Each Leadbot has its own personal key that you can call.
Widget key in the example above is: li_lgf_9694
Link activate widget: https://leadinfo.com/?widget=li_lgf_9694
Link activate widget & open: https://leadinfo.com/?widget=li_lgf_9694&open=1
Settings in the account
Query parameter -> fill in 'widget' in box 1 -> contains -> fill in 'widgetkey' in box 2
Example with widget key from the example above:
Query parameter -> widget -> contains -> li_lgf_9694