Everything about Leadinfo Segments!

Easily add filters to your view of the inbox with Leadinfo Segments

🎨  Our Leadinfo Inbox is getting a fresh new look. Please note that some images might temporarily be outdated — thanks for your understanding!

Depending on the number of website visitors your website generates, the inbox can become overwhelming. To give structure to your inbox for you and your colleagues, you can start using segments. Building segments helps to create clear overviews of different types of companies based on their characteristics or behaviour on your website. 


In this article, we will show you everything you need to know regarding setting up segments. 

Or check out the video below to learn more:



Create segments:

Step 1: Start building your segment. Click on "Advanced filters" or "Segments" to create a new segment in your inbox. 


Step 2: Select the correct period for your segment. You can click on Custom to select a specific timeframe.  Next, click on "+ Add filter" to add more data to your segments. 


Step 3: Add your filters. You can add a filter based on company information, channels, or website activity. After you selected a filter, press "Apply filter". 

For example, to filter on the companies that received the tag "Customer" select "Tag > is any of > Customer". 


Step 3a: Two options appear. If you select "AND", a new rule is added to this segment. The company visiting the website has to meet both rules to enroll the segment.

For example, to identify companies that have the tag "Customer" AND visited the pricing page, click "AND" before adding the second filter or trigger.



Step 3b: To identify companies that meet at least one criterion within a set of filters, use OR

For example, to identify companies with the tag "Customer" or with the tag "Competitor", click OR before adding the second filter.



Step 4: Navigate to "Save as segment" on the bottom of the page to save this segment. Provide a name and select with whom you want to share this segment. 

  • Myself - this segment is visible only when you log in with your own Leadinfo credentials 
  • Everyone in my team - this segment is visible for all users in your account. 


The segment is now visible on the left side of the inbox, underneath "Segments". 

Step 5:
Do not forget to save the segment by clicking “Save” in the bottom left corner.

Now, when a company visits your website and meets the rules you've set up, you will see this company back within the created segment.