FAQ - Requests for WhatsApp Leadbot do not arrive in WhatsApp, but they do appear in the Leadbot submission overview, how is that possible?

Whatsapp Messages do not arrive, only at Leadinfo submissions, not in WhatsApp, how is that possible?

When the website visitor sends a message via WhatsApp on your website, that message is forwarded to the WhatsApp environment. According to your website & the Leadinfo system, it is a submission (sent message / request), but the visitor must still press send in the WhatsApp environment to actually send the message.

If the visitor does not do this, you will have a submission in your Leadinfo environment, but not in your WhatsApp.

In the video above you can see how this works.

Visitor asks his question in Whatsapp -> send message via mobile, then the visitor chooses to scan the QR code or send message via Whatsapp on the desktop, then the visitor chooses the button under the QR code 'Open Whatsapp Web' -> visitor continues to the WhatsApp environment and still have to press the send button in this environment.

After sending the message on the website to WhatsApp, a new submission will be found in your Leadinfo overview.

The advantage of this is that if someone has forwarded the message, but ultimately has not pressed send via WhatsApp, you can view the visitor's message to contact them. This could be because the customer has left a name, company or other information. You can also use the WhatsApp Form for this.

How do you build a WhatsApp form?

WhatsApp form

With a Whatsapp form you have the option to ask a little more and more specifically before the message arrives via Whatsapp. This way you can reach a visitor a little easier, even if the WhatsApp message has not been received.

This can then be found in the overview of the Submissions.
