With Zapier you can connect the Leadinfo Leadbot with more than 3000 other applications. This makes it possible to connect the Leadbot to your CRM system and to forward Leadbot quote requests, contact requests or appointments. But much more is possible with Zapier.
π Find more information about Zapier here.
π Zapier integration Leadbot Setup
Automatically forward the requests & contacts to Google Sheets
The purpose of this integration is to automatically save leads generated by the Leadbot into a Google Sheet. This provides an efficient and automated way to manage, track, connect & analyze leads without manual input.
Target audience
- Marketing teams that collect leads via the Leadinfo Leadbot on their website.
- Sales teams that want to optimize & retain their lead management.
- Business analysts who want to collect and analyze data for strategic decision-making.
- Automation of lead management: Eliminates the need for manual data entry.
- Real-time data storage: Leads are added directly to Google Sheets, ensuring up-to-date information. Which can be analyzed well!
- Efficiency improvement: Saves time and reduces errors when transferring data.
- Better collaboration: Access the latest lead information for team members who share the Google Sheet.
Example scenario
A marketing team uses a Leadbot on their website to allow website visitors to easily get in touch with the company. They want to process these requests and contact moments in the Google Sheet in order to have a good and clear overview of the requests via the Leadbot.
When a potential customer fills out the Leadbot, the data entered is automatically added to a Google Sheet. In the indicated Google Sheet, you will see the requested information or the message that the website visitor has sent.
You can link a separate Google Sheets sheet per component of the Leadbot, so you receive all the information in the correct sheets. As seen below via:
- Quote request buttons are linked to the sheet: Quote form
- Contact request buttons are linked to the sheet: Contact Request
π See more information: Zapier integration Connecting Leadbot
π Download a Leadinfo Example Google Sheet
But you can also expand it, for example:
- Sales NL, Sales DE, Sales FR, Contact NL, Contact DE, Contact FR
- Quote request, Email, Callback request, Newsletter registration
This way, you receive a good overview of the requests per category that come in via the leads on your website. All requested information in a form can be transferred to the Google Sheet.
π Which fields can you add to a form?
The following values ββare sent as standard with every request from the Leadinfo Leadbot:
Submission Timestamp β The time and date a request was submitted
Submission URL β From which page the request was made
This standard value allows you to make a good analysis of the following points:
- What does my website visitor ask in his contact request / quote request?
- On which page are questions asked or requests made?
With this information, you can respond to the visitors of your website by building a Leadbot that ensures that website visitors take the desired actions and/or are helped immediately.
π Set up a different Leadbot variant per page
The integration of the Leadinfo Leadbot with Google Sheets via Zapier provides a powerful and efficient way to manage leads. By connecting the Leadbot to more than 3,000 other applications, marketing and sales teams can automatically forward data such as quote requests and contact requests to Google Sheets.
With the ability to link various components of the Leadbot to specific sheets in Google Sheets, companies can create detailed and organized overviews of incoming requests and contact moments. This data can be further analyzed to understand customer behavior and optimize marketing strategies.
Defaults such as the timestamp and the submission URL help accurately analyze customer interactions and improve the user experience on the website.
In short, the integration provides companies with a comprehensive solution for managing and analyzing leads, contributing to improved customer interaction and more efficient business operations.
π Connect the Leadbot to Google Sheets via Zapier