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  2. Leadinfo Leadbot

Getting started with the Leadbot

Did you know that 95% of your website visitors leave the website without contact?

Research shows that visitors contact us 3x faster via WhatsApp and the contact options in the lead bot than via the Contact form. Leadinfo's solution is seen as a user-friendly addition to the contact form.

Leadinfo's solution easily converts website visitors into leads and/or requests. It ensures that:

  • The most important buttons are always visible on screen
  • That a website visitor can always get in touch easily
  • Provides more Leads through more interaction on your website.

WhatsApp is by far the most used channel for this by website visitors.

Are you already using WhatsApp Business? Advice: definitely do it! 💡

Leadinfo's most important tip to get you started

Start simple!
Install the Contact bot or another Leadbot directly on your website to generate as many Leads as possible during your trial period. Many companies start out too complex, which takes a lot of time and does not produce the desired results.

We recommend the Contact bot to ensure that you receive as many requests as possible. In this way you can collect information from your website visitor, so you can find out:

  • What does my website visitor ask?
  • On which page are the questions asked?
  • Which contact channel does my website visitor prefer to contact?

When you receive a lot of requests, you are in the luxurious position to further edit and optimize the Leadbot!

Leadinfo's step-by-step plan

Step 1: Choose the desired Leadbot in your Leadinfo account
Step 2: Edit the Contact Bot or the Leadbot
Step 3: Set condition
Extra tips for even more value!

Step 1: Choose the desired Leadbot in your Leadinfo account

Template Libary - Leadbot Leadinfo

There are several commonly used Templates available in our Template Library. This way you will always find the right Leadbot to start with. Our advice to start with is:

  • Whatsapp Leadbot

    With the WhatsApp widget, visitors send you messages via WhatsApp (and email) from your website! This ensures more leads via the website.

  • Contact Leadbot - Most used Leadbot! 🚀

    With the Contact Leadbot you immediately offer visitors the opportunity to ask a question via WhatsApp, Telephone, E-mail, Callback Request, Video call or Live Chat.

  • Leadbot Premium

    With the Leadbot Premium you offer visitors the following contact options: WhatsApp, Telephone, E-mail, Callback request, Video call, Request a quote, Link and Make an appointment. This way you can build different Call to Actions into the Leadbot.

In our Template Library you will find many different Leadbots. You see that each Leadbot Template has different buttons with modules, so hopefully there is always one that is suitable for your business.

Page information is included

With every message via WhatsApp, email, callback request or quote request, a piece of page information is also sent, so you can properly analyze what questions are asked on which page.

Want to know more or send page information?

Step 2: Edit the Contact Bot or the Leadbot

Edit the Contactbot or Leadbot per step by clicking further in the flows. You can edit each step by clicking the edit icon next to the step. Or by clicking on the desired components on the left.

Advice on setting up Leadbot:

  • Make it more personal by uploading your photo!
  • Start simple and listen to what your website visitors want!

Leadbot Leadinfo-png

Step 3: Set condition

Here are some common scenarios for applying a condition:

You have different types of conditions you can add. Create a condition based on:


Allows you to display a widget on specific pages, for example:

  • All vacancy pages: /vacancies
  • All English pages: /en
  • On some pages, capitalize on the page's most important CTAs (Call to Actions)

📱 Device

This is useful for setting a different variant for mobile website visitors, for example:

  • Showing WhatsApp widget: on mobile

🌍 Browser Languages

This is useful when you use multiple languages on your website

🚀 Query parameter

Query parameters are a set of parameters that are added to the end of a URL. They are also known as query strings or URL parameters.

🕐 Day & Time

This allows you to display a widget based on day & time, for example:

  • Out of hours: weekday outside 9am - 5pm and weekend
  • Part-time employee: Marieke is the contact person on Mondays and Tuesdays


Start bringing in leads! 🚀

🏆 Extra tips for even more value:

Connect Google Analytics 4

This means that the Leadinfo tracking events are automatically forwarded to GA4, which allows you to measure the conversions on your website.

Connect the Zapier integration

With Zapier you can connect the Leadinfo Leadbot with more than 3000 other applications. This makes it possible to connect the Leadbot to your CRM system and to forward Leadbot quote requests, contact requests or appointments.

But much more is possible with Zapier, for example:

Usecase Zapier Integration: Leadbot connection with Google Sheets

The integration of the Leadinfo Leadbot with Google Sheets via Zapier provides a powerful and efficient way to manage leads. By connecting the Leadbot to more than 3,000 other applications, marketing and sales teams can automatically forward data such as quote requests and contact requests to Google Sheets.

With the ability to link various components of the Leadbot to specific sheets in Google Sheets, companies can create detailed and organized overviews of incoming requests and contact moments. This data can be further analyzed to understand customer behavior and optimize marketing strategies.