Why is my inbox empty?

It can sometimes happen that the inbox in Leadinfo remains empty or stops receiving data. The most common reason for this is that there is no active tracking code on the website.

Leadinfo works with a tracking code that must be placed on your website to identify visitors. If this code is missing, no leads will be registered. This can happen, for example, if changes have been made to the website, causing the tracking code to be accidentally removed. The tracking code is very sensitive to website modifications.

How to check if the Leadinfo tracker is live on your website


Step 1: In Chrome, go to your website and right-click on your website and select "Inspect".


Step 2: The developer console will pop up. In this console, select "Network" from the top menu bar and search for "LI-" and refresh the page.


Step 3: When the Leadinfo tracking code is live on your website, you'll see the tracking code show up in the list of scripts. 



If the tracking code does not appear in the list, you'll need to install the tracking code on your website. Here you can read more on how to install the tracking code on your website. 

Discover how to install the tracking for your Content Management System: